The WOOLSHED CABINS have been designed in conjunction with Eco Design Architects, award winning architects of several eco-tourism projects in the Blue Mountains.
The position of the cabins has been carefully decided upon for many reasons. Firstly, for their unique views of the cliffs. Secondly, their proximity to our heritage shearing shed. Indeed the cabin architecture is redolent of the shed’s roofline and construction (weatherboards & bush poles). Thirdly, for the fantastic natural environment which surrounds them. Finally, for the northerly aspect, so that passive solar design principles could be utilised.
Wherever possible, environmentally friendly materials and methods have been utilised. For example, the timber used for the weatherboards is radially cut Australian hardwoods (which maximises the quantity of wood that can be harvested from each log). Thus there is no wastage in off-cuts.
Also, all paints and oils used are organic (citrus based) and made in Australia. Indeed you may detect a pleasant smell from these products!
Gas has been chosen for heating (gas log fires), hot water and for cooking, as it has a lower environmental impact than other fuels.
Dry composting toilets are another obvious part of the same policy. Not only can they compost human waste, but they play a major role in the conservation of water, always a precious resource, but especially so on a farm.
All drinking and washing water is spring-fed by a spring emanating from the rocks above the property. It has been laboratory analysed and is beautifully clean and clear.
Naturally we ask that you do not waste this wonderful resource.
We ask that you respect our attempts at being environmentally sensitive and that you join us in this endeavour. Please conserve electricity and use water wisely.
Recycling bins are available for the recycling of glass/paper/cardboard/foil/tin cans & hard plastics . Bins for compostable materials (food scraps excepting meat, fish or citrus fruits) are available in your kitchen. These can be emptied into the compost area but NOT into the toilets. Other non-recyclable wastes can be placed into the garbage bin.
And it’s the little things that also count…..
Toilet Paper made from recycled office waste, in Australia
Cellulose bags for our ground coffee (not plastic, so is compostible)
Eco Therapy soap, shampoo and conditioner provided
Thank you for taking the time to read about our eco venture and we look forward to you joining co-operatively with us in it!